
Wednesday 30 July 2008

more on liberal values

On the subject of what liberal values really mean, Sara Robinson at Orcinus tells it like it really is in Of Madmen and Martyrs.


  1. Thanks for this link, Yvonne. It was very well written and informative. As I learn more about this terrible incident and the strength and courage of the people there at the TVUU congregation, I am more and more impressed and actually filled with hope for the future! These kinds of things have a way of drawing us together, those of us of like-minds, and perhaps it will also help others to see what standing up for your beliefs really means...
    Take care, dear friend...

  2. Thanks. I'm just glad I live in a country where guns are not easily available and we don't consider it a right to carry one.

    How many more incidents like this will it take for America to come to its senses and repeal the second amendment?

    Yes, I am deeply impressed by the courage of the TVUU congregation, and encouraged by the way everyone has rallied round.

  3. Oh, I agree, Yvonne... they like to say here that guns don't kill people, people do, but if we didn't have the guns IN THE FIRST PLACE these tragic events would certainly not happen!
    I can't see it ever changing here, unfortunately...

  4. Well in the UK we still get stabbings and the occasional shooting, but nothing on the scale of Virginia Tech.
