Monday, 24 August 2015

More small beauties

21 May 2015 
The birds are singing, the sky is blue with fluffy white clouds. Creamy frothy blossom on a rowan tree. Dark blue spikes of bugle flowers. A splash of red campion. Everything is bright and fresh.

9 June 2015
A wild rose in flower and arching its shiny dark green leaves and delicate pink and white flowers against the blue sky. A mock orange (syringa) giving its sweet scent to the breeze. Rowan berries already starting to form, a herald of autumn. Ox-eye daisies starring the verge, with a few splashes of red poppies. Silvery poplar trees like a Corot painting.

11 June 2015
Wild roses trailing. Poplar trees flickering green and silver in the wind. Four Canada geese and eight goslings on the river. Ox-eye daisies everywhere. Hot sun beating down.

 23 June 2015
 The heady scents of mock orange blossom, honeysuckle, and roses. The sheer abundance of their flowers. The trees: oak, chestnut, poplar, willow, ash.

12 August 2015
 Loads of hollyhocks - red, pink, single and double flowers. Apples ripening on the bough. Crab apples too, clustered thickly on the branch.

 21 August 2015
 A tiny pink paper parasol stuck into the parapet of Donnington Bridge. The circular swirly ripples made in the water by the oars of a passing rowing boat. A Hawthorn tree laden with red berries.

 24 August 2015
 Dreich this morning - but the river still has a silvery charm. And there are plenty of hawthorn berries for the birds.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Small beauties

Small beauties

23 March 2015

Morrissey and Ziggy snuggled on the bed this morning, washing each other. The flowers coming up in my garden (daffodils, crocuses, anemones, grape hyacinths). Warmer weather and sunshine. Blue flowers (chionodoxa or squill) growing under a hedge. Blackthorn blossom. Two robins on a gate. The birds singing. More light. Spring!

26 March 2015

 A corkscrew hazel tree, all twisty and curly wurly. A truly psychedelic umbrella in the bus queue in front of me, brightening the day. The cherry blossom and quince flowers.

27 March 2015

Magnolia buds, all furry and with the petals like white flounces. The flowers waiting for the warmth of the sun before they open - the daisies (day's eyes) furled shut with their red tips showing. The clatter and scatter of trills of the birds' songs. A tree stump shaped like a dragon with a cheesy grin. Purple aubretia poking through a hedge.

28 March 2015

A tree with white blossom juxtaposed against a tree with pink blossom. The humble groundsel and goosegrass in the hedgerow. Red dogwood stalks with green leaves budding on them. The buds of kerria japonica (bachelor's buttons) just opening on its bare branches.  More flowers opening in the garden.

21 April 2015

Spring flowers blooming: jack by the hedge, white dead nettle, bluebells, green alkanet. A huge patch of primroses by the A34. In the garden, my apple tree is blooming, the raspberry ripple tulips are fully out, and the dark red tulips are opening. 

1 May 2015

A robin and a song thrush hopping about. A goose flying overhead, honking. Apple blossom everywhere. A woodpecker laughing. The birds singing to welcome May morning. The sun shining, and long wispy clouds floating high in the blue.

13 May 2015

A mackerel sky. Tiny scales of fluffy cloud high up in the blue. The hawthorn blossom in the hedgerows. A tunnel of green on the cycle path. One solitary poppy blooming on the grass verge. Poplar trees reflected in the river, silver-green in the blue depths.