Those Christian synchrobloggers are at it again, this time with a
series of posts about the Kingdom of God.
Well now, I'm a member of the republic of heaven on earth - the Divine is, after all, immanent in Nature, and the universe is a theophany (a divine manifestation) but I would say the "
kingdom of God" (or whichever label you prefer) is already here. All those who are seeking enlightenment by whatever religious or spiritual path are fully signed-up members of the Republic. As Yeshua himself said, "The Kingdom of God is all around you and you do not see it." and "The Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). He also taught his disciples (who weren't listening, as usual) how to access the awareness of the divine presence (aka "Kingdom of God" in his parlance): 'Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.' (Matthew 6:28.) All you have to do is relax and sense the divine presence in all things. "Do without doing and everything gets done" as Lao Tsu said.
There was no Fall, only an Arising. The Earth herself is divine; and the Tao is within all things, ebbing and flowing. The Divine has not withdrawn from Nature - Nature is Divine.
Before ever land was,
Before ever the sea,
Or soft hair of the grass,
Or fair limbs of the tree,
Or the flesh-colour'd fruit of my branches, I was, and thy soul was in me.
First life on my sources
First drifted and swam;
Out of me are the forces
That save it or damn;
Out of me man and woman, and wild-beast and bird: before God was, I am.
from Hertha by Algernon Swinburne
Oh yes, and I must draw attention to the lovely poem by Beth Patterson of
Virtual Tea House on
What it’s like rather than what it is, which is very nature-inspired, and also involves cake, and isn't missional like some of the other posts. Also Steve Hayes' post is very interesting, reflecting on the different meanings of the words "
kingdom, power and glory" in Eastern and Western Christianity. My comment on this was that Kingdom (Malkuth), Power (Hod) and Glory (Netzach) are also the lowest three of the Sephiroth (spheres) on the Kabbalistic tree of life, where they symbolise Divine power descending into the realm of the manifest. And finally, Phil Wyman talks about Jesus as an archetypal shaman - well yes he was, but he's not the only one. There's also Odin, and Buddha, and many others.